Code Of Conduct
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- Code Of Conduct
1. Modest dress code has always been the pattern of this Institution. The Management has introduced separate uniform for boys and girls. P.G. students are however exempted.
2. Students shall always behave with dignity and courtesy.
3. When a teacher enters the class room, the students shall rise up and remain standing until the teacher takes his/her seat or ask them to be seated.
4. All students shall be in their respective class room before the scheduled time and students are not expected to come late.
5. Students shall observe strict discipline while moving from one class to another and also during intervals. Students do not have freedom in entering others class rooms.
6. No meeting or entertainment shall be organized by the students without the written permission from the Principal.
7. Loitering in the corridors, causing disturbance in the class rooms and such undesirable indisciplinary activities are strictly forbidden.
8. Absolute obedience is expected from every student. If anyone tries to defy/defame the authority of the Principal or any teacher or any other staff, he/she will be subject to disciplinary actions.
9. No students shall disfigure the Walls, Windows or Furniture/ Equipments by writing on them. If anyone damages or destroys the college property, he/she will have to pay the repair/reinstallation charges.
10. Smoking, use of alcohol, or intoxicating drinks and consumption of drugs are strictly prohibited.
11. The behaviour of students both within and outside the college premises should be decent. No students shall leave the class room or laboratory without the permission of the teacher in-charge.
12. The following are not allowed inside the college campus. Those who violate the rules will be punished.
• Publish any materials such as magazines, notices, journals, booklets etc. (during the College Union Election eve for canvassing vote) without the prior permission of the Principal.
• To conduct meeting by the students inside the campus without the prior permission of the Principal.
• To display any materials for publicity such as wall posters, banners, notices etc. within the campus.
• Taking unauthorized collections from the students or staff.
• Entering other class rooms when there is class or not obtaining prior permission before entering the class.
13. Bringing mobile phones or video cameras inside the college campus is strictly prohibited.
14. The Principal shall have the power to impose the following punishment: imposing fine, suspension and dismissal of students.
Every member of the college (Teachers, Students, Ministerial staff) shall posses an identity card (with passport size photograph) issued by the college duly sealed and signed by the principal. All payments, issue of certificates, books shall be made only on the production of the identity card. The students shall produce their identity cards as and when the college staff demands. The identity card is valid only for three years. Keeping more than one identity card is punishable. In case of loss of identity card, duplicate identity card will be issued only with the recommendation of the teacher-in-charge on payment of a fine. The said Identity Card has to be worn round the neck in a pendant form.
Each working day is divided into two sessions. The Fore-Noon session is of 3 periods and After-Noon session is of 2 periods, each of one hour duration. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each period by the teacherin-charge of the class. Every student shall have a minimum attendance of 75% in a semester.Students are not allowed to absent themselves from the classes without leave application. Leave application should be submitted to the Principal through the Class-Tutor/ Head of the Department. Application for leave on medical grounds shall be supported by a valid medical certificate. Absence from the college with or without leave for more than 5 consecutive working days shall be reported to the Principal before attending any class. If a student is absent for more than 14 consecutive working days without any intimation, his/her name will be removed from the roll. The hard copy of the online registration for University examination will not be forwarded to the University unless the Principal is satisfied that the student has the minimum attendance as per rules. Students who want to participate in the extra-curricular activities will not be granted grace attendance unless they obtain prior written permission from the Principal. Application for such permission shall be recommended by the concerned teacher.