Affiliated to University Of Kannur

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Sir Syed Institute for Technical Studies Library is working with a vision and mission of “Connecting people with information and empowering them with knowledge”. Sir Syed Institute Library provides quick, innovative and relevant services in academic communication that contribute to the development of academic community of Sir Syed Institute for Technical Studies. The Institute has matchless infrastructure which provides a computerized reference library with all modern amenities.


Connecting people with information and empowering them with knowledge

Library Services

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Working Hours

8.30 am to 4.30 pm on all working days

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All staff members and students who get admitted in the college will automatically become the members of the Library. The Library also welcomes Alumni, Students and Research Scholars of other institutions to use library ...

General Guidelines

  • Identity Card is a must for Library entrance
  • No member shall keep books for more than a fortnight (14 days).
  • Borrowed Books should be returned on the due date stamped on the date label in the book. 
  • Absence from the College will not be a valid reason for delay in returning books
  • Loss of Borrowed books/Library Cards have to be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian.
  • Members shall be liable to replace books lost or pay a fine to be fixed by the Librarian
  • No Combined Reference Work and discussion is to be done inside the Library
  • Books should be handled with great care. Mutilation of Books in any manner will be fined.
  • Students are not allowed to exchange Library Books/Library Cards
  • Periodicals shall not be displaced from the tables.
  • Reference Books and Project Reports will not be lent out.
  • Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the Library.

Expectation from Users

  1. Silence should be maintained in the library and its immediate premises. 
  2. Always communicate to library staff about your needs 
  3. Maintain a queue at circulation counter. 
  4. Carry ID Cards at all times & produce them on demand.